A Fast Growing Real Estate Podcast!
Dec. 16, 2022

252: Alternative Investments Provide Higher Monthly Cash Flow Often With Less Risk Than Traditional Investments

252: Alternative Investments Provide Higher Monthly Cash Flow Often With Less Risk Than Traditional Investments

90% of Alternative Investments are directly or indirectly placed in Real Estate. They can be great cash-flowing investments with high long-term appreciation. What they don’t provide is liquidity. You can’t get your money out whenever you want like a publicly traded stock. That’s why most financial advisors don’t recommend more than 20% of their client’s portfolios to be invested in alternative investments. Most advisors also don’t have as much knowledge of alternative investments as they do about traditional investments like individual stocks and bonds and fund vehicles. Stacy Chitty, Co-founder and Managing Partner of Blue Vault Partners, educates advisors on alternative investments and provides them with invaluable data metrics on which alternative investments to recommend to their clients.